Wellbeing evidence advice surgeries

This guide is a step-by-step introduction to wellbeing measurement and evidence, but you may be looking for some specific advice for your work.

We are offering practical, focused, one-to-one advice surgeries for anyone working in or with charities and social enterprises. The surgeries are open to anyone working to use or generate wellbeing data in their work.

These free, 45-minute zoom sessions are an opportunity to work through specific questions or challenges, test ideas, and get feedback and advice. They are most helpful if you have specific questions or a project you’re planning, delivering or reviewing.

Some things we can cover in an advice slot:

  • where to find evidence for your activities,
  • planning or carrying out a wellbeing evaluation,
  • interpreting your results,
  • troubleshooting evaluation and learning.

We release advice slots regularly, so if you don’t see any available check back in a few days.

Book your advice slot below

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